Health Care

Who Is The Cardiologist And When To See A Cardiologist?


The cardiologist is the physician responsible for this specialty. He is a professional trained in medicine and specialized in taking care of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that attack the heart and circulatory system.

When To See A Cardiologist?

As cardio care have been saying, the best time to seek a cardiologist is when you want to prevent. Therefore, before practicing physical exercises, seeking new eating habits, before any surgical procedure, etc. In addition to specific situations such as those mentioned, regular follow-up with the cardiologist is always recommended. So, whenever you go for a check-up, don’t forget your heart!

However, if you are not used to making appointments with a cardiologist, some symptoms may indicate the need to make an appointment. Like:

  • Chest pains
  • Feeling of constant tiredness
  • Excessive sweat
  • Dizziness

Heart Health

Heart health is inextricably linked to the health of the body as a whole, including the health of the mind. Therefore, stress, sleepless nights, pessimism, etc., collaborate so that the heart’s health is also weakened.

Basic Care

Some care, such as exercise and a healthy diet, are primary care for any area of ​​health. And for your heart, this would be no different. So, ask your cardiologist for recommendations from other professionals who can help you with these healthy habits!

Healthy Habits

For those of you who already have heart problems, recent studies have shown that practicing yoga can help. In addition to physical exercise, it also helps with relaxation and stress relief. This one we’ve already shown is a threat to your heart!

Or even for you who don’t have any heart problems but want to prevent yourself: the practice of physical exercises is essential! That’s because the practice of exercises brings a lot of benefits to your whole body.

Like, taking care of mental health is an essential point for heart health. Therefore, investing in activities that encourage your mental health is also thinking about the health of your whole body! Another fundamental healthy habit is to sleep well. After all, a stormy night’s sleep can lead to stress, in addition to fatigue and an increased risk of accidents.

Taking care of the environment is also thinking about your future and health! Therefore, taking care of the environment is also a healthy habit at cardiocare. You take care of the future of your planet, but you also take care of the well-being of your own body.

After all, pollutants attack our respiratory systems and, consequently, our circulatory systems. An area of ​​its own within cardiology that is concerned with studying and demonstrating that the environment’s health also interferes with heart health.